
People assume that trademark drug has better effectiveness compared with generic drugs with because the price of generic drugs cheaper compared with the prices of trademark drugs. This research is to know evaluation quality of trademark and generic logo rifampisin tablets meet the requirements of Pharmacopoeia Indonesia or not. Methods: Includes some of the physical parameters which is:, uniformity of size, uniformity weights, hardness, friability, disintegration time, and dissolution test. Testing the uniformity of the size meets the requirements on the trademarked rifampicin tablet with diameter of no more than 3 times the thickness and not less than 1 ⅓ times thicker tablets, % weight deviation of test weight uniformity meet the requirements to be no more than 2 tablets each weight deviates from 5% and no one else weight tablet deviates from the average weight of more than 10%, friability testing meet the requirements with less than 0.08%, the test results of disintegration time meet the requirements of the disintegration time is not more than 60 minutes and the results of the dissolution test 6 tablet to trademark and generic meet the requirements of dissolution test that must be dissolved within 45 minutes is not less than (Q) 75% of the amount listed on the label. Testing physical parameters and dissolution test trademarked and generic rifampicin tablets meet the requirements in accordance with Pharmacopoeia Indonesia.

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