One of the most common ulcerations is traumatic ulcer. Traumatic ulcers are lesions caused by several things such as food heat, pressure, friction between the sharp surface of the tooth and can be caused by chemicals. Traumatic ulcers that are not given treatment can result in chronic traumatic ulcers and can even lead to cancer. So that in handling traumatic ulcers must be well. Currently, many of the treatments offered in treating traumatic ulcers, one of the treatments offered is by using natural ingredients. One of the natural ingredients that have the potential to treat traumatic ulcers is oyster mushrooms. So, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of oyster mushrooms as one of the ingredients used in curing traumatic ulcer wounds. This research is an experimental study using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 1 control using 5 replications. The rats were first adapted for a week and 5 mm of traumatic ulcer lesions were made. The results stated that the administration of oyster mushroom extract gave significant results at the level of 5%, where it was seen dimater in treatment 4 gave significant results compared to treatment 1. From the results and discussion, it can be concluded that oyster mushrooms have effectiveness as a healing traumatic ulcer where the concentration best is 50%.
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