
The condition where blood glucose levels increased and occur suddenly are Hyperglycemic. This situation could be caused by stress, infection, and consumption of certain drugs. Calyx extract of rosella has been widely studied to have antioxidant activities and antihyperglycemic. This is due to the notion that flavonoids are antihyperglycemic activity. The aim of this study was to determine the total flavonoid levels and antihyperglycemic activity calyx of rosella purified extract in Wistar rats by inducing sucrose. The purification method of extract uses liquid-liquid extraction by taking a chloroform layer. Phytochemical screening was carried out on samples and were analyzed for total flavonoid content using rutine standard with TLC densitometer quantitatively and the mobile phase of ethyl acetate: formic acid: aquadest (85:10:15). Animal test for Wistar rats was induced by sucrose orally to increase blood sugar levels. Samples were given orally 3 doses are 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg BB. The negative control group was given CMC-Na 0.5% and glibenclamide as a positive control. The results of blood sugar levels were analyzed by oneway ANOVA and continued with LSD post hoc test. The results showed that calyx purified extract of rosella is contained Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Phenolics and Tannins with total flavonoid levels calculated as rutine 9.62% ± 2.98. Post hoc LSD test showed no significant difference between the positive control group and the dose variant group 100 mgs / KgsW, 200 mgs / KgsW and 400 mgs / KgsW. As conclusion that blood sugar levels can be lowered with the lowest dose of 100 mgs / KgsW from purified extracts contain of flavonoid compounds.

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