
varieties. Research on the leaves of (Annona squamosa L.) that many have a wide range of activity caused by the compound therein, including flavonoids. This study aimed to compare the antibacterial avtivity againsStaphylococcus aureuswith the extraction maceration, using ethanol 70% with a ratio of 1:5 for 4 days with occasional shaking and twice remaseration with a concentration extract 75%, 50% dan 25%. In this study using diffusion wells with positive control antibiotic levofloksacin and negative control that is distilled water each pipette 5mL and inserted in a hole wells with media NA (Nutrient Agar), and then incubated 37°C for 24 hours and then do the measurement of inhibit zone. This research is expected to be able to compare the antibacterial activity of the flavonoids of green and red leaves (Annona squamosa L.). Anova test result showed a significant difference between the treatment group, which is characterized by the Sig. < 0.05. Post Hoc test results showed significant differences in all concentrations characterized by Sig values. > 0.05. Green and red (Annona squamosa L.) leaves have compound activity as antibacterial. 75% concentration has the optimum activity in this study because it has activity which is not significantly different with positive control.

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