
The use of natural ingredients as traditional medicine in Indonesia has been widely used to treat infectious diseases and has anticaterial activity. One of the plants is Red Andong (Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A Chevas). Red andong plant is used as a medicine to eliminate swelling, stop bleeding (hemostatic) and has antibacterial activity that can be used as a drug for disentry, diarrrhea, wounds and bleeding coughs and pulmonary tuberculosis. The purpose of this study was to determine inhivitory activity of ekstrak red andong leaf on Klebsiella sp bacteria, to find out the optimum concetrations of rind and carriage that can inhibit the growth of Klebsiella sp and find out the class of chemical compounds in the exctract of red andong leaf that has antibacterial properties. This type of research is experimental research and samplinh techniques using random samples. The result test of phytochemical of red andong leaves showed the presence of antibacterial activity which contains alkaloids, flavanoids, saponins and tannins. Mc Farland Klebsiella sp bacteria turbidity standard results show the number 1,2048. The antibacterial activity inhibitory zone of ethanol extract of red andong leaves against the growth of Klebsiella sp bacteria was at a concentration of 30% sebes 11.1 mm, a concentration of 4596 at 14.8 mm, a concentration of 60% at 15.3 mm, a concentration of 7596 at 20.1 mm and at a concentration of 90% at 23.7 mm. Statistical test using Kruscal Wallis test with sig p value < 0,05 so that the test is continued with Mann Whitney test with sig p value < 0,05. The conclusion of this study that of red andong leaves extract affected to Klebsiella sp bacteria and was significantly different between concentrations; optimum concentration of 90%; and contains alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and tannins.

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