
Tour places is a place that have allure with uniqueness, beauty, history, culture, and others so it was visited by tourist. Kediri City has so much tour places which is full of historical and cultural values, and its natural beauty. The toilet at there is public fasilities hygiene and main sanitation for tourist that visited the tour place. Candida sp. is one of fungus which pollute the water that is accommodates, especially at the water of toilet tube. Diseases caused by fungus from genus Candida sp. known as candidiasis. The purpose of this research is to find out the presence of Candida sp. fungi in the water of toilet tube ath the tour place in Kediri. This research’s design is descriptive survey with sampling technique random sampling. Examination method in this research is centrifugation. The location of this research was carried out at the Mycology Laboratory of Bhakti Wiyata Health Sciences Kediri. Based on the results of Candida sp. fungal identification research from water of toilet tube at the tour place in Kediri from the total number 45 samples get results 2 samples contain Candida sp. fungus with percentages 4,44% and 43 samples is not contained Candida sp. fungus with percentages 95,56%. The conclusion is Candida sp. fungal growth in the water of toilet tube at the tour places in Kediri with the discovery of fungal colonies macroscopically with the form of yeast colonies, yellowish white, mucoid texture and its consistency is wet, and microscopically blastokonidia and psedohifa were found. Good toilet conditions can reflect users, so if the condition of public toilets at tourist attractions in Kediri City is in good condition, public toilet users are already good enough to implement conscious public toilet. With so good the condition of public toilets can also increase the quality of tourism in the City of Kediri.

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