Whereas most lotus parts have pharmacological effects. One example of that part is the root. However, the efficacy of lotus roots (Nelumbium nelumbo D.) has not been scientifically confirmed. The purpose of this study was the characterization of lotus root extract (Nelumbium nelumbo D.). The results of characterization of specific and non specific parameters and chemical compounds contained in lotus root ethanol extract (Nelumbium nelumbo D.). Based on the result of characterization of specific parameters of lotus root extract obtained the result of water soluble compound 14,72%, and ethanol soluble concentration level 33,76%. In the non speccific parameters obtained 0,51% drying shrinkage, weight of type 0,967 g/L, ash total 1,08%, acid content 0,39% ash. In ethanol extract of lotus root there are alkaloid, tannin, and saponin compounds. Further research is required for the characterization of specific and non specific parameters so that there is reference as a comparable standard companion of lotus root extract
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