Pineapple is one of the superior fruit products in Kediri Regency. Pineapple fruit consists of several types, namely Smooth Cayenne, Quenn, and Spanish which is a family of Bromeliacea. Pineapple meat contains sugar, vitamins, minerals, vitamin C and vitamin A (retinol). Beta carotene is one of the antioxidants found in fruits which are found in carrots, potatoes and peaches. Antioxidants are very useful for fighting free radicals from toxic substances. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were beta carotene compounds in queen and cayenne varieties of pineapple and to determine beta carotene levels in varieties of queen and cayenne pineapple using Spectrophotometry method. The results of the study with qualitative tests with themethod carr-price showed that the positive samples contained beta carotene which was based on the color change to blue after adding 25% antimony trichloride. In the quantitative test, it was obtained the results of beta carotene levels of 11.72μg / g at μg / g in samples of queen pineapple and 9.92μg / g in samples of cayenne pineapple.
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